Ave Spotlight
with Chenele Shaw
We found 10 episodes of Ave Spotlight with the tag “catholic podcast”.
Episode 70: Servant of God Thea Bowman with Karianna Frey
December 6th, 2021 | 20 mins 15 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, free catholic podcast, karianna frey, servant of god thea bowman, usccb
Servant of God Thea Bowman--a renowned Black Catholic evangelizer, teacher, writer, and singer--continues to inspire many people more than two decades after her death. Join Chenele as she talks with Karianna Frey, editor of We Are Beloved: 30 days with Thea Bowman, about what can learn from this holy woman.
Episode 68: Dating Q&A with Regina Boyd
November 22nd, 2021 | 19 mins 29 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic dating, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, dating, regina boyd
Let's talk dating! Chenele and Regina Boyd, a Catholic licensed counselor, answer listener-submitted questions on dating, getting out there, and giving yourself a break.
Episode 67: Can Catholics Party? with Mari Pablo
November 15th, 2021 | 17 mins 35 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, can catholics party, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, faithful friends, free catholic podcast, mari pablo
Partying with friends can sometimes lead to behaviors that are unhealthy and harmful. Campus minister Mari Pablo shares tips to help fellow Catholics create a community of support, accountability, and holiness.
Episode 65: All Souls' Day with Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP
November 1st, 2021 | 26 mins 51 secs
]heaven, ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, death and dying, fsp, hell, memento mori, purgatory, remember your death, sr. theresa aletheia noble
Memento Mori means "remember your death". In this interview, Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP shares with us how living every day with death in mind actually helps you to live more fully.
Episode 62: How Can You Help? Hurricane Response with Adam Fuselier
October 11th, 2021 | 25 mins 55 secs
adam fuselier, ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, dumb ox ministries, hurricane relief
Multiple natural disasters have left many of our brothers and sisters, especially those in Louisiana, in great need. Today we are joined by Adam Fuselier, managing director of Dumb Ox Ministries. He discusses ways we can support our brothers and sisters affected by tragedy.
Episode 59: The Danger of Purity Culture with Hannah Gutierrez
September 20th, 2021 | 16 mins 54 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, hannah gutierrez, purity culture, the culture project, theology of the body
Let's talk purity culture! In this episode, Hannah Gutierrez, formerly with the Culture Project, talks about sexual education and how to find balance in our hyper-sexualized world. Gutierrez hopes that people recognize their value and worth to live a life of virtue free of shame and open to God's mercy.
Episode 57: Where Do We Go from Here? The Church and the Covid-19 Pandemic
September 7th, 2021 | 34 mins 24 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, church and covid-19, fr. blake britton, word on fire
How do we live our lives as joyful Catholics after a pandemic? How do we re-enter parish life? Join us this week as Fr. Blake Britton discusses how to find joy amid anxiety.
Episode 55: The 5 Stages of Self-Change with Regina Boyd
August 23rd, 2021 | 27 mins 21 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic podcast, chenele shaw, regina boyd, stages of self-change
Listen to licensed counselor Regina Boyd discuss the challenges of self-change and how we can take action to improve our lives.