Ave Spotlight
with Chenele Shaw
We found 10 episodes of Ave Spotlight with the tag “ave spotlight”.
Episode 10: Christ in the Storm
October 12th, 2020 | 22 mins 32 secs
ave explores, ave spotlight, catholicism, covid-19, faith, pontifex, pope francis, rome, urbi et orbi, vatican
Jaymie Stuart Wolfe, an acquisitions editor at Ave Maria Press, reflects on the extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing from Pope Francis on March 27th, 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. She explains that the new book Christ in the Storm is a school of prayer for those who find themselves navigating challenging times.
Episode 8: Discerning Truth & Civil Discourse
September 28th, 2020 | 24 mins 10 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, civil discourse, conversations, dialogue, political, politics, truth
Ann M. Garrido, professor of homiletics at the Aquinas Institute of Theology and author of Let’s Talk About Truth, explains the definition of “truth,” how we determine what truth is, and how we can use truth to engage in civil discourse and grow in relationship with others.
Episode 7: Black Lives are Sacred
September 21st, 2020 | 23 mins 27 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, black lives matter, blm, catholicism, faith, racism
Chenele Shaw talks about her experiences of racism and how it’s affected her relationship with God and explains how recognizing and resting in the sacredness of Black lives is more important than merely acknowledging that Black lives matter.
Episode 4: Taking a Social Media Break
August 31st, 2020 | 23 mins 11 secs
ave maria press, ave spotlight, catholic, catholicism, fast, racism, social media
Catholic speaker and author Chika Anyanwu shares about her recent decision to take a break from social media, not only to use her time better, but also to focus on the voice of Jesus in her life and to return to deeper prayer.